
Sunday, 13 February 2011

One year of wedded bliss!

Today is our 1st wedding anniversary - can't quite believe a whole year has passed already. We knew it was going to be pretty low key (gone are the days of a hot night in a hotel, champagne, breakfast & papers in bed...) but we still wanted to make it a nice day. So we went to our lovely farm shop 'Hinchcliffes' for good coffee and breakfast, watched 'Boardwalk Empire' (Sky Atlantic, so much good tv) and sort of have a romantic dinner planned - rack of lamb and a good red wine, possibly eaten with one hand since Mabel will obviously become grouchy when she smells it is ready. Comfort with food! And we wonder where Mabel gets it from..
We then plan to watch our wedding video tonight. The highlights are still on the Lenik Media blog:
Fee has also added some reminder wedding pictures on her blog:

Whilst taking last orders at the milk bar at midnight last night I rreminisced that at the same time last year the wedding was just finishing. I was able to give myself post wedding blues a year later - impressive I thought?

I have had a lovely weekend with G Kisby being at home. Yesterday morning Mabel was particularly well behaved and we had breakfast in bed with her lay happily between us on the bed. We then had our lovely friends Ben and Jen come up for a visit from Brighton where Mabel had some great cuddles from both. Followed by a trip over to the Milton's in Manchester where all were congregated to celebrate Ben's 30th birthday.
We only stayed a few hours since the number of children (the twins were also present) did not seem conducive to the start of a big night drinking and we were very conscious of not ruining Ben's birthday.

I think last night was the most tired I have been and at around 8pm I was literally falling asleep eating my Sat night treat pizza. I don't think my cold is helping, having been ridiculously well during pregnancy (only 2 paracetamol the whole time) I can now feel my skin returning to its normal spotty self, the lack of fake tan has led to the look of 'dug up' and my whole body feels pretty knackered. So we headed to bed early. Unfortunately our luck with Mabel's sleepiness during the day led to a very restless and awake baby in the night. By 1am, after a massive feed at 12, I was literally wondering how I was going to get through it. G Kisby was brilliant though and whisked her off for a middle of the night 'match of the day' viewing downstairs to let me sleep.
This is the second time that when she has been out and about (in the car etc) and slept for long periods between feeds in the day, that the night has been really hard work. So, although very little and too young apparently for routine, we have decided that we have to try and get her to know the difference between night and day.
So today when she has been fed or had her nappy changed we have tried to do some entertainment and keep her awake as long as possible. Poor Mabel, at one point she was literally asleep in her bouncer with her head on her shoulder as we continued to turn on the vibrate every time she opened one eye.
Mum says it might be a slow process, think she might be right!

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