Now don't get me wrong I appreciate that a 2yr old tantrum is no doubt way worse but I thought I was immune from any kind of paddy for a while yet?
It is well documented that Mabel doesn't sleep during the day and despite improvements since grey rabbit landed on the scene it is still not unusual for nursery to tell us she only managed 20 minutes all day. And naturally this leads to a baby who is literally past herself prior to bedtime.
On a Thursday, perhaps due to the above, she does normally have a better day sleep wise and we will sometimes get as much as an hour and a half in one go. When this doesn't happen she is very grotty.
Today was one of those days. I have to admit it wasn't helped by my choice of activity - a trip to Eureka! with Uncle Mark (great museum, well worth a visit if you are in the Yorkshire area and haven't already). So so much brilliant stimulation.
And to my dismay we have also now gained a new element to being over tired / not getting our way (today wasn't the first time this has been apparent, I have just clearly been in denial). This is the 'back launch' and the 'it is the end of the world' tantrum.
The back launch is, quite literally, an action not dissimilar to that completed when doing the high jump, only without the finesse or the crash mat. The surprise back launch is one of my personal favourites. You know the type when she is sat on your knee on the sofa and only just catch a leg to save her fall.
The 'end of the world' drama tends to come in tandem with the back launch and involves 'get off me mummy' hand pushing away, struggling to get down, followed by throwing her head forward onto the floor and then screaming to be picked up again. Repeat x 5 times and you pretty much get the picture.
I am really really not looking forward to this happening in public. I am so going to be one of those parents who are judged for not 'managing' their child.
The only positive I can think of is that she will end up being so good at drama that she lands a starring role in a hit west end musical and the fact that neither G Kisby or I have a pension will all be resolved.
In which case, play on baby, you keep practising as much as possible.
The garden of light was worth a walk through (Mabel and Belinda look completely unimpressed) and we did have our first experience of a carol concert, albeit a short one with the cold. I do love a good carol, especially with a brass band.
Ooooh bring on Christmas!